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Generational conflict
The generations are turning over faster than ever before.
While the Silent generation (1925 to 1945) was a strech of
21 years, the Millennial generation (1980 – 1994) ended
5 just 15 years after it began. As technological change
accelerates, people born a mere ten years apart can be
released into an utterly different environment. A person
born into the era of the smartphone, for example, will exhibit
different behaviours to one who predates it, helping explain
10 those teenagers lip-syncing pop songs and pacing out
dance trots in supermarkets and carparks. Technology, like
the television, the internet, and the smartphone, have a
marked effect on not only how we live but on our values
and beliefs.
15 (...)
In his 2020 book Fault Lines: Fractured Families and How
to Mend Them, Karl Pillemar surveyed 1,340 Americans
aged 18 and over, asking them the question: “Do you have
any family members from whom you are currently
20 estranged? He discovered that more than a quarter of
Americans, surveyed, or 27 per cent, reported being
estranged from a family member – a parent, grandparent,
sibling, child, and so on. Extrapolated to the US adult
population, that amounts to some 67 million people who are
25 estranged from a family member. Pillemar found that ten
per cent are estranged from a parent or child and eight per
cent are no longer talking to a sibling. Some in the media
are calling it a “silent epidemic” of family break-ups.
“When we meet people, it’s devastating to tell the truth,”
30 Skye Ferrero laments, a mother quoted in Pillemar’s book.
“We deal with it by being straightforward: ‘Oh, there are
problems... we don’t see each other’.” Five years ago, Skye
and her husband were cut off from their daughter and
nothing they have done since has brought the couple any
35 closer to her. “I’ve been approached by former neighbours
and they say, ‘Well, you seem like such nice people. How
come it’s like this? We’ve been labelled with this black
cloud.” Skye thinks the issue is more widespread than it
appears, it’s just that people don’t wish to talk it. “This is
40 happening in many families,” she says.
Family estrangement can happen for any number of
reasons, notwithstanding highly justifiable ones for why
someone may wish to cut contact. But such serious offenses
aside, fissures in the nuclear family can also happen as
45 family members squabble over rival ideologies: politics,
Brexit, vaccinations, conspiracy theories, pronouns, and
any number of headline-grabbing social issues. Nasty
comments on social media can inflame grievances,
prompting one member to declare, “I’m done. I never want
50 to see or speak to them again.”
Adapted from: accessed on March 21st, 2024.
The most appropriate alternative regarding the text is:
People are living shorter due to isolation.
Almost 30% of American kids have been abandoned.
The American adult population is even estranged from first-degree relatives.
People don’t talk about personal issues anymore, causing family break-ups.
A população estadunidense adulta é afastada até mesmo de parentes de familiares de primeiro grau. Apesar da redação equivocada da alternativa C, a ideia encontra respaldo no trecho “Extrapolated to the US adult population, that amounts to some 67 million people who are estranged from a family member. Pillemar found that tem per cent are estranged from a parent or child and eight percent are no longer talking to a sibling”.
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