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Leia o texto a seguir para responder às questões 43 e 44.
The early development of radar was driven primarily by military imperatives, and the targets that were to be detected were mainly aircraft and ships. It was no surprise that echoes were also received from terrain and from rainstorms, but the discovery, during World War II, that birds were often detectable was less expected. As the technology developed, and specially after transmission at the shorter ‘microwave’ wavelengths became commonplace, echoes from insects were also identified. In the late 1940’s and the 1950’s, radar technology was adapted rapidly to the needs of meteorologists, while ornithologists pioneered the use of defence and air-traffic control radars to study bird migration.
Radar observations of insects, however, were relatively sparse until the early 1960’s, when radar meteorologists became rather intensely interested in a type of warm-weather echo that appeared, puzzlingly from their perspective, when there was not a cloud in sight. Perhaps spurred by the meteorologists’ observations, entomologists began their own exploitation of the technology in 1968, when a rather modest radar, built by G.W. Schaefer specifically for insect observation and operated in West Africa just south of the Sahara, proved to be very effective.
Fonte: DRAKE, V.A. and REYNOLDS, D.R. Radar Entomology: Observing Insect Flight and Migration. CAB Internacional, 2012.
No excerto “. . . puzzlingly from their perspective, when there was not a cloud in sight.”, retirado do 2º paragrafo, o termo PUZZLINGLY indica que os meteorologistas
estavam diante de uma situação
alinhada às suas expectativas.
previsível e lógica.
incomum, mas já observada.
nova, mas esperada.
inusitada e de difícil explicação.
O termo “puzzlingly”, no trecho mencionado, indica que os meteorologistas estavam diante de uma situação inusitada e de difícil explicação.
“Puzzling” diz respeito a algo intrigante, enigmático.
Poliedro Resolve - ITA 1ª Fase - Questão 29 Química
Poliedro Resolve - ITA 1ª Fase - Questão 29 Química
Poliedro Resolve - ITA 1ª Fase - Questão 30 Química
Poliedro Resolve - ITA 1ª Fase - Questão 1 Matemática
Poliedro Resolve - ITA 1ª Fase - Questão 13 Física
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