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Leia o texto e examine o gráfico para responder às questões de 11 a 17.
Most don’t work anymore, but Americans age 70 and older have seen their share of collective wealth surge during the pandemic. As a group, they have accumulated more than $14 trillion in additional net worth since the end 2019, based on Federal Reserve data. Their share of the country’s wealth has jumped to a record 30%, even though they account for 11% of the population.
The aging population helps explain some of the gains: there are about 2.3 million more people over 70 in the country than in 2019. But one major driver was the surge in home values and stocks during the pandemic, which benefited older generations most likely to own a house — or two — and hold equities or mutual funds.
Although people who are over 70 are typically retired, a rising portion of that age group is still working. The share of adults age 65 and more in the labor force reached a historic low of 10% in the mid-1980s but has since almost doubled, even after many retired early at the onset of the covid-19 health crisis.
Older Americans also have been the beneficiaries of good timing with the stock market, despite recessions along the way. Since 2019, those age 70 and older have collectively gained about $5 trillion in equity gains. Close to 38% of the nation’s corporate equities and mutual fund shares were held by people in that age group, the highest share on record in data going back to 1989.
(Alex Tanzi., 2023. Adaptado.)
The main purpose of the text is to
inform that older Americans faced several financial challenges during the pandemic.
point out that many older Americans retired early during the pandemic.
show that older Americans made better investment decisions after the pandemic.
highlight that older Americans had the best pandemic-era financial gains.
explain how the pandemic changed the way older Americans work.
O texto retrata que americanos com idade superior a 70 anos tiveram, ao longo da pandemia, o maior enriquecimento dentre os grupos etários destacados. A questão 11 pergunta qual é o principal propósito do texto. A alternativa D é a correta, pois ela destaca que americanos mais velhos tiveram os maiores ganhos financeiros durante o período da pandemia de Covid-19. A alternativa A não é correta, porque coloca que o grupo de americanos mais velhos enfrentou problemas financeiros durante a pandemia, o que é contrário ao que diz o texto. A Alternativa B aponta que muitos americanos mais velhos se aposentaram cedo durante a pandemia. O texto, por sua vez, destaca que, embora grande parte de americanos acima de 70 anos esteja aposentada, uma porção crescente de americanos nesta faixa etária está trabalhando. A alternativa C afirma que americanos mais velhos fizeram melhores investimentos depois da pandemia, contrário ao texto que destaca o período de pandemia. A alternativa E diz que o texto explica como a pandemia mudou o jeito que os americanos mais velhos trabalham, e esta informação não foi citada.
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