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Leia o texto e examine o infográfico para responder às questões de 22 a 25.
Year after year, illegal fires consume thousands of hectares of Brazilian biomes, threatening biodiversity and all life on the planet. Data from the end of August 2024 shows a dramatic and alarming increase in fire outbreaks compared to the same period in 2023 in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pantanal. In this distressing scenario, impunity acts as fuel for this destruction, and the Brazilian authorities must respond quickly: investigate and hold those responsible for illegal fires accountable, while also strengthening prevention measures and adopting strategies to deal with the reality of extreme events.
The consequences of fires know no borders. In addition to causing harm to people living nearby, the smoke from fires in the Amazon and Pantanal travelled to distant regions. The state of São Paulo experienced its worst August since INPE’s (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) measurements began in 1998, with 3,612 heat spots recorded — something never seen before. The reasons are still being investigated, as on a single day (August 23), the number of fire outbreaks in the state surpassed those recorded across the entire Amazon biome, where illegal fires are common at this time of year.
(, 05.09.2024. Adaptado.)
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “In this distressing scenario, impunity acts as fuel for this destruction, and the Brazilian authorities must respond quickly”, o termo sublinhado expressa
A palavra sublinhada no trecho é o verbo modal "must", que é usado para exprimir algo que deve ocorrer, ou seja, uma necessidade. Portanto, no trecho em questão, a palavra expressa a ideia de obrigação: em "Brazilian authorities must act quickly", o que se quer dizer é que as autoridades brasilieras precisam agir rapidamente, ou seja, têm a obrigação de agir rapidamente.
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